When you choose logo in the profile section mypresences shows you all the logos found across your presences and allows you to choose one as the base logo.
Sometimes these logos will look different to the logos on the service, they may appear as:
- lower quality.
- stretched or squashed dimensions.
Lower Quality
Sometimes a service does not provide a high quality version of a logo by default and may return a very small version of the logo which can look bad when scaled up to the size displayed in mypresences. We try to retrieve the highest quality version where possible, if you feel that the logo we are retrieving for a particular service looks too low in quality please let us know and we can investigate whether it is possible to retrieve a higher quality version.
Stretched or squashed dimensions
When we display a logo from a third party service in mypresences we always enforce our own dimensions because the image may be very large and we need to control how it appears. We always use square dimensions for logos as this is the most common aspect ratio. When a logo is not originally square this will result in the logo appearing stretched or squashed on screen as it will be scaled.
In the cases where a logo appears distorted or is of lower quality than you expect please check the service and make sure you are happy with how the logo is displayed there.
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