myPresences supports every type of business as there are hundreds of online services where any business can list regardless of its industry or type.
The business types that are currently supported are chosen to allow us to properly associate niche online services to the correct businesses based on the services we currently support.
Whenever we add support for a new online service we record which business types it is applicable to and if a service is applicable to a business niche that we do not currently support we will add it to the list of available business types.
For example:
If there was an online directory that only listed window cleaners we would add a new business type called window cleaners.
Therefore business types are only added when there is an online service that specifically supports that business type and make that online service only available to businesses that identify as window cleaners.
If you find that your business type is not specifically supported then you should try more generic versions of your business type. For example:
- If you are a physiotherapist choose doctor and\or health provider
- If you are an Air Conditioning Specialist choose Builder \ Trades
- If you are a Homewares Store choose Retail Business
If you cannot find an appropriate category then choose General Business (which will still enable hundreds of services)
The main purpose of categorising your business is to help us only include online services that are relevant to your business.
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