Listings are associated with a business, person or product.
If a listing belongs to a different entity then you can move the listing to the correct entity.
This can commonly happen when you have a business (such as a law firm) that has a mix of listings for the law firm and various lawyers. If you add each lawyer and move their listings to each lawyer the issue count for the business will be much lower and each lawyer's listings and reviews can be managed separately.
You may also want to move listings when you are mixing listings from more than one location under a single entity.
This has the advantages of:
- improving your listings health and issue count as you are not mixing listings for different entities.
- Managing the online presence and reputation of different entities separately.
To be able to move a listing you first need to have other businesses, people or products in your account.
Adding business locations to my account
Moving a listing
To move a listing first have the business you are moving from selected as the current business.
- go to the Listings page under Presences in the Navigation Bar.
- Find the listing you want to move and click on it.
- On the listing page click the three-dot menu and choose Move.
- In the dropdown choose the entity( business, person, product) you are moving the listing to.
- Confirm the move.
The listing will be removed from the current entity and added to the entity you selected.
If you select the new entity from the top bar you will see the listing on the Listings page.
All listing KPIs and issues will be updated for the previous and the new entity.
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